New ways for mobility and recognition
Falling birth rates, ageing population and immigration of people from other countries will change Europe in the long term. The demographic change is only one cause, which is why many industries have a shortage of skilled workers. In the health and care sector, the shortage of skilled workers has long been noticeable in many parts of Europe. Migration of nursing staff within Europe and into the European Union is providing an important contribution to overcoming the mismatch of skilled workers.
Against the background of nationally organised training and study qualifications the desire and the necessity to create a transparent, transparent and system for all member states of the European Union (EU), which, in addition to academic degrees, also includes qualifications and certificates of the professional training and continuing education. With the comparability the recognition of formally acquired professional qualifications within the framework of the EU and it is a prerequisite for being able to work in a country other than a qualified country. skilled worker to work. Both - transparency and recognition - are important before the background of the increasing shortage of skilled workers, to increase the mobility of skilled workers and enable them to take up employment as a qualified specialist in a European country.
At European level, the mutual recognition of qualifications in the nursing professions is based on directives, also known as recognition directives (Directive 2005/36/EC and Directive 2013/55/EU).
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