Application of the HCEU matrix within Human Ressource Development

In large parts of Europe, employers are suffering from a shortage of nurses and also politics recognises the urgent need for labour in the booming health sector. But there are no short-term political solutions. Employers are therefore forced to implement new instruments for recruiting employees themselves, to bind them to themselves and to offer them development opportunities.
With the virtual matrix, HCEU offers employers the opportunity to define professional care competence requirements and thus to deploy employees in a more targeted manner. HCEU certainly does not solve the general problem of personnel recruitment for employers; however, it opens up the option of showing employees much more comprehensively which tasks and areas of competence they can take on in their everyday work and also integrates them into the development of job descriptions, which can contribute to increased employee participation and thus to increased job satisfaction.
The HCEU Employer Kit offers the opportunity to develop employer requirement profiles. In such profiles, competence needs of departments and/or certain activities are addressed. They can help to describe jobs with a high requirement profile, to make suitable employees visible and to appy human ressource development strategies in order to further train and develop employees.
The employer needs profiles defined by the competence requirements can be displayed on the virtual matrix and can be compared with other profiles.
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Contact and Support
Judith Albinus, DEKRA Service Division Training,
Please feel free to get in touch with our colleague in charge of maintaining and further developing the HCEU matrix on professional care for guidance and support in the application within HRD praxis. We are looking forward to work with you!