no call available at the moment

Taking part ...
There have been different opportunities for healthcare professionals, employers, trainers and teachers, education providers, representatives of social partners, public/competent bodies and recognition authorities as well as researchers to take part in the HCEU project.
Among others, we hae been implementing different series of interviews as well as domestic and international events and workshops with and for experts in the field of “nursing” and “elderly care” throughout the whole project duration. We have been continuously looking for interview partners and experts from all over Europe (and beyond) interested to support our work in those contexts.
Further opportunities to take part such as participations in testing, evaluation of results or contributions to publications have also been published on this website.
Feel free to get in touch with your national project contact and/or with the project coordinator at in order to find out more about the follow up activities in your country.
We thank all who contributed to our project!
Current calls and invitations
Previous calls
- Call for members of the projects advisory board, Dec 15 – Feb 16
- Call for interview partners and workshop participants on the development of an HCEU matrix on “Nursing”, Dec 15 – Jun 16
- Invitation to the 1st HCEU international workshop, 14 March 2016, Krakow (PL)