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Learning outcomes descriptions 2.2.a

Competence description VQTS:

2.2.a Is able to order and distribute meals and, if necessary, support patients/clients without specific dietary restrictions or functional limitations according to nutrition plans.     

Competence SkillsKnowledge

The professional caregiver is able to order and distribute meals and assist patient’s/client’s without specific dietary restrictions (apart from diabetes mellitus) or functional limitations in eating and drinking according to nutrition plans. This is done autonomously and independently but according to instructions. 





































The professional caregiver is able to:

  • involve the patient/client and relevant others in nutrition,
  • implement the prescribed nutrition plan and drinking protocol,
  • order meals and drinks according to in-house rules,
  • prepare patients/clients for eating and drinking (e.g. correct position in bed),
  • support patients/clients without specific needs in eating and drinking,
  • set tables and serve meals (e.g. while respecting patient’s/client’s rituals),
  • distinguish and use different dishes according to the patient’s/client’s needs (e.g. feeding cup),
  • monitor the patient’s/client’s liquid and calorie intake and react according to nutrition plans and the patient’s/client’s needs,
  • recognise potential rituals and habits of patients/clients,
  • recognise risk situations regarding nutrition and feeding and call for assistance. 

The professional caregiver is able to:

  • describe the procedures of ordering meals/drinks according to in-house rules,
  • list potential dietary restrictions and functional limitations and their impacts on nutrition,
  • explain the volume of liquids and feed quantities,
  • describe support for the patient/client in eating and drinking,
  • name the regular volume of liquids and calories a patient/client should ingest on a daily basis,
  • explain the impact of aspiration and their prophylaxis,
  • describe values and beliefs of different cultural, ethnological and religious groups and how this may affect patients/clients with regard to nutrition (see also CA.B.2),
  • list interactions between medicines and nutrients (e.g. diabetes-related nutrition and the amount of insulin).

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